C3: First visit to Austria
The main topic was to create business plans and promotional flyer (workshops). The students were conducting a poll and analysed results diagrammed. We visited two food producing companies in Styria and learned how they are processing/producing/etc. their goods and how they are running their business (business plan).
C5: Second trip to Italy
Finally we can travel again! The trip to Italy was a great experience for our Erasmus+ students. After a warm welcome by the principal and the teachers, they had the possibility to...
C2: First trip to Italy (force majeur)
Covid-19 struck and we had to postpone every mobility planned. Online meetings were not possible because every country had it's own regulations and home-office was new to everybody. Students struggled with the time being alone, but were able to come back to school shortly before summer break. Unfortunately we had to deal with many uncertainties and were not able to plan ahead at the time.
C1: First trip to Cyprus - building bridges
after arrival and warm welcome, students joined their families. The next day we all met at school for presentations. All students were very excited to meet an...